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Psychedelic Drugs: Types, Uses, and Effects

Balíková reports a fatal and nonfatal overdose after ingestion of the psychedelic phenethylamine 2,5-dimethoxy-4-bromoamphetamine by two male individuals. Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry was used to detect the presence of DOB in both gastric and urine samples of the two men. Although one subject survived, the other suffered convulsions and metabolic acidosis and died 6 days after admission.

The most consistent finding for involvement of other receptors in the actions of psychedelics is the 5-HT1A receptor. That is particularly true for tryptamines and LSD, which generally have significant affinity and functional potency at this receptor. It is known that 5-HT1A receptors are colocalized with 5-HT2A receptors on cortical pyramidal cells (Martín-Ruiz et al., 2001), where the two receptor types have opposing functional effects . In addition to functioning as somatodendritic autoreceptors in the raphe, postsynaptic 5-HT1A receptors are also localized in a number of other important brain regions.

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The visuals on this drug are extreme, similar to LSD but with more “movement.” It can also put you in a strong analytical headspace, sometimes focusing on a single object for long periods of time. Rather than targeting the serotonin receptors directly, marijuana and its active ingredient activate the CB1 endocannabinoid receptors. The CB1 receptors control the activity of the serotonin receptors in the neocortex — producing changes in thought process, emotion, hunger levels, arousal, and Psychedelic more. Psilocybin is present in much higher concentrations, but the effects of these hallucinogens come from the psilocin content. Once ingested, the psilocybin is quickly converted into the more active psilocin — which works to activate the 5-HT2A and 5-HT2C receptors in the brain in a similar way to LSD or DMT. There are some people who report neutral experiences, but the vast majority of people report terrifying, uncomfortable, or even painful experiences while taking deliriant drugs.

Users may believe that they are invincible or possess superpowers and may do things they would not normally consider, such as believing they can fly , jumping from buildings , or incurring severe ocular damage by prolonged staring at the sun (Schatz and Mendelblatt, 1973; Fuller, 1976). Lerner and Lyvers compared users of psychedelic drugs with users of nonpsychedelic drugs and nonillicit drug–using social drinkers. Compared with the other two groups, psychedelic drug users scored significantly higher on mystical beliefs (e.g., oneness with God and the universe), life values of spirituality, and concern for others, and scored lower on the value of financial prosperity, irrespective of culture of origin.

Within the cortex, 5-HT2A and α1-adrenergic receptors share a similar regional and laminar distribution, with heaviest concentrations in layer Va . Furthermore, activation of either 5-HT2A or α1 adrenergic receptors modulates cortical pyramidal cells and interneurons in a parallel fashion . Finally, in healthy human volunteers, PET has been used to study a possible role for dopamine in the effects of psilocybin. The evidence for involvement of 5-HT1A receptors in the behavioral actions of psychedelics has been gleaned primarily from animal studies.

The active metabolite of psilocybin , which induces psychedelic experiences by activating receptors in the brain. Integration is the act of incorporating insights, challenging lessons, and new perspectives into your everyday existence. The word ‘integrate’ stems from Latin integrates, meaning to “to make whole; to complete; to restore, to renew,” – all describing the union of fractured parts and healing of past experiences.

Consistent with the positive changes, high-dose experiences were also rated as producing significantly greater personal meaning, spiritual significance, and increased well-being or life satisfaction than the low-dose experiences, with these differences sustained at 6 months. Furthermore, the immediate postsession mystical experience score was linearly correlated with therapeutic efficacy. Griffiths concluded that a single moderate to high dose of psilocybin, if given under supportive conditions to carefully screened and prepared participants, produced substantial and enduring decreases in anxiety and depression in patients with a life-threatening cancer diagnosis. Although nonhuman primates might be the best animals to model the actions of psychedelics in humans, almost nothing has been published in the past decade using monkeys. Fantegrossi et al. reported on transient reinforcing effects of phenylisopropylamine and indoleamine psychedelics in rhesus monkeys.

The fMRI studies and their various analyses and reanalyses by Carhart-Harris and colleagues are at odds with the earlier SPECT and PET imaging studies and may reflect different methodologies. In particular, psilocybin is not typically administered to humans by injection, nor are Psilocybe mushrooms generally taken in routes other than by mouth. In the Hermle et al. , Vollenweider et al. , and Gouzoulis-Mayfrank et al. studies cited earlier, the drug was administered orally, but psilocybin was administered intravenously in the studies by Carhart-Harris et al. Subjective reports from the two different routes of administration indicate profound differences in the speed of onset, as well as the intensity of the subjective effects. Psilocybin given orally generally takes about 40 minutes to begin to manifest its effect, with a duration of action lasting 4–6 hours. By contrast, subjective effects of 2 mg psilocybin given as an intravenous injection over 60 seconds begin at the injection period, reach a sustained peak after 4 minutes, and subside completely after 45–60 minutes (Carhart-Harris et al., 2011).

These two studies represent the first well powered, properly designed, formal double-blind, placebo-controlled assessment of a psychedelic agent used for a medical treatment, using modern clinical approaches and assessment instruments. Perhaps even more importantly, these studies report remarkable results of efficacy that are unprecedented for CRPD with any available conventional therapies. Unfortunately, neither study has yet been published, so complete details cannot be reviewed here, although I have seen the results. Nonetheless, a preliminary report of the JHU study results was presented at the 2015 Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association; that presentation will serve as the basis for this summary . One of the most well documented therapeutic effects of LSD, first established in the 1960s, was alleviation of anxiety and depression in acutely ill patients. This research direction received its original impetus from observations by Chicago internist Eric Kast.

Researchers were inventing new psychoactive substances at an incredibly rapid rate to stay ahead of the regulators. A compound would be invented, and by the time the regulators were able to ban it, there would be another one just like it — yet different enough to remain legal. Salvinorin works through a similar mechanism to ibogaine — by targeting the kappa-opioid receptors rather than the serotonin or dopamine receptors like most other psychedelics.
